Shane Valle

Composer | Saxophonist

What people are saying about Shane’s music

“Good energy, nice groove, clear parts…starts very strong with a great groove”

— Alban Wesley, Bassoonist of Calefax Reed Quintet

“I have to say that in the last 10 years or so [Morning Comes Always] is not just one of my favorite saxophone ensemble pieces but one of my favorite new saxophone pieces.”

— Dr Erik Steighner, Professor of Saxophone—Pacific Lutheran University & University of Puget Sound

“I enjoyed […a slightly greener thing…] especially at the beginning. I liked the textures and harmonies.”

— Ryan Webber, Music Director, Heartland Symphony Orchestra

“Your piece Suite from a Non-Existent Ballet has been selected as an honorable mention…we wanted to recognize your hard work and artistry…we will be keeping your piece in mind for future performances and projects.”

— Fivemind Reeds

“We would be happy to record a second work of yours!”

— nonesuch.reedquintet

“Better than any of the other music we’re playing on this program!”

— Totally Unbiased Friend

Recent performances of works

The University of Oregon Saxophone Ensemble conducted by Dr. Sean Fredenburg giving the premiere of Breathe, Set, Play at Aasen-Hull Hall in June 2024.

The nonesuch.reedquintet’s premiere recording of Suite from a Non-Existent Ballet created as a part of their inaugural Call for Scores project.

Featured works

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Get in touch

I love to work with emerging and established performers to create music that is meaningful to both of us. If you’re interested in performing or purchasing an existing work or would like to commission a new one, please get in touch with me below.